Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 14 #100HappyDays - Maslow's hierarchy of needs

I was looking for something on the internet and came across different takes on Maslow's hierarchy of needs.. Thought I would share some....

Here's the original one
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid with the largest, most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom and the need for self-actualization at the top

Here are some of the different versions of the same


But I absolutely loved this one.....which is so true for all of us smart phone users
And finally .........

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 13 #100HappyDays Long hours at work

Its forecast time at work, and I have been working insane hours. Here are some quotes that reflect how I feel every month/quarter-end

 Here's a nice chart that gives you a Habit to suffering equivalency chart ---

                                         I am close to testicular torsion today :)

Ok, enough goofing around, time to get back to work!!


Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 12 #100Happydays Back to Work

Work sucks! But going back to work after a long weekend.....................that's just torture!! Here's my reaction from this morning, after a fantastic weekend!!  :)


Here's the message for this week :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 11 #100HappyDays Friends

Today, once again I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with my dearest dearest girlfriends (and their significant others). I always look forward to spending time with the ladies, because my sides hurt from laughing. 

Here's some funnies that describe you ladies to a T :)

And for anyone who screws up your day, here is my prayer :)

Love you Bobj Divas!!!

Day 10 #100HappyDays - Exercise

ok ok, I have been lazy and not been to the gym for a few days. Here's my reasoning, and Aunty acid has stolen the words from my mouth :)

In my defense I did go for 3.5mile walks every day, but I have a dear friend who insists walking is not "real" excerise. To that friend, I say- read the above comment !!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day!!

These pics and quotes from the internet, pretty much capture the sentiments of day....Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th! Drink until you see stars...and stripes!


"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul."

Happy 4th of July to all Americans!!!...Well, except for Native Americans. For them, my deepest condolences.



 Food, Family, Fourth of July, and Fireworks. The four best F words ever!

Lets do it for our country!!

This is one of my favorite songs and scenes from the movie :)