Friday, June 27, 2014

life without electricity at home

My life (in US) comes to a standstill if we have a power outage. Occassionally there are instances when my stovetop, microwave, television, washer/dryer, hair dryer, laptop, INTERNET etc. nothing works for the 30 mins after the storm, and everyone impatiently starts calling PG&E.Such is our reliance on electricity.

Here is a picture (from the blog of Bill Gates) of some students in Conakry, Guinea. They’re studying under street lamps, because they don’t have reliable lights at home.

I remember my dad telling us stories about how they had to study by candlelight. And that was just a generation ago. Puts things in perspective doesnt it.

Time to show some gratitude about the small things in life! I wouldnt even know where my candles were if we had a blackout :(